Effects functional test file
Archerfield Speedway - Menu Effects functional test file


Permissable Hours of Operation

From 1 July 2014, All racing activities will be held in accordance with the below schedule:

1 February – 25 December


Thursdays, Saturdays and every second Tuesday

 8:00 am to 10.30pm

Every other day

 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

26 December – 31 January


Maximum of 11 events on any days

 8:00 am to 10:30pm

In addition to the above


Events can occur on a maximum of five (5) Sundays included in the published events schedule except Easter Sunday and when Anzac Day falls on a Sunday.

Where an event scheduled for a nominated Sunday is cancelled, it may be rescheduled for another Sunday in accordance with 1.5.

 8:00 am to 10:30pm

Any vehicle with an engine that is a two (2) or four (4) stroke or under 200cc (including Go-Karts and junior Quarter Midgets) will be subject to the below hours of operation as they are not considered noisy or a nuisance.  

Monday – Saturday  






 8:00am – 10:30 pm

 8:00am – 6:00pm

  (a)           In addition to the above, racing activities may also occur on five Sundays for every financial year whenever there is a long weekend (except for Easter and ANZAC Day) or to replace a rained out speedway event. Archerfield Speedway will give the Council prior notification for the nominated Sundays in accordance with Sections 1.3

(b)          The permitted hours for the Sundays the subject of (a) above are between 8:00 am and 10.30pm.

(c)           No activities will be conducted on Christmas Day or Good Friday.

Our Noise Management plan is in accordance with BCC Entertainment Venue Permit.